Chahta Sources

Choctaw Camp by Max Carl Gritzner, 1851

Hina Hanta Database Online collection of Chahta (Choctaw) material culture, managed, and curated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.

Choctaw Educational Videos "Series of videos to aid those who wish to learn more about Choctaw people, history, and culture."

MBCI Cultural Videos Series of videos that discuss or demostrate various aspects of Chahta (Choctaw) culture and heritage

MBCI Image Gallery Images from the MBCI Tribal Archives and Chahta Immi Cultural Center, depicting foodways, clothing, work, music, dance, social life, religion, historical events, people, crafts, and historical images of people and places.

MBCI Oral Histories Collection of oral histories and traditions, personal experiences, collected by the Mississippi Oral History Project (University of Southern Mississippi).

MBCI Articles and Publications Categorically organized set of short articles written in the mid-twentieth century discussing Chahta (Choctaw) history, social life, tribal government, "special interest stories," and three that focus on hominy, blow guns, and "The Riviera."

Nan Awaya Website (and blog) Dr. Ian Thompson, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, documents living on Nan Awaya Farm, accounts of Chahta (Choctaw) cooking and arts, landscape management and restoration. 

Iti Fabvssa

Link to the Item for Iti Fabvssa articles

The following two story maps were produced by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and convey specific information about the topics of the 1765  Treaty of Mobile (see also this Iti Fbvssa article) and the Choctaw Trail of Tears, Chief Harkins Party Route (see also: articles 2014.06, 2014.07, 2014.08, and 2014.09; and The Trail of Tears: Why we rememberChoctaw Removals and The New Jaw Bone for additional discussion and information on the Choctaw Trail of Tears).

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