A Plan of Part of the Rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia in the Province of West Florida; with a sketch of the boundary between the nation of upper Creek Indians and that part of the province which is contigious thereto, as settled at the congresses at Pensacola in the years 1765 & 1771
Bibliographic Citation
Taitt, David and Charles Stuart. 1771. A Plan of Part of the Rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia in the Province of West Florida; with a sketch of the boundary between the nation of upper Creek Indians and that part of the province which is contigious thereto, as settled at the congresses at Pensacola in the years 1765 & 1771. Map. Library of Congress. https://lccn.loc.gov/73691550, accessed August 29, 2024.
• Depicts West Florida from Pensacola Bay to Mobile Bay and from the Gulf of Mexico to the “Choctaw Indian Boundary.”
• This detailed and relatively accurate map of the Mobile Bay area under British domain was used for colonial administration, territorial negotiations, and military planning.
• The map includes roads, trails, waterways, landscape features, British boundaries with structure locations, and settlements. The main Indigenous towns are not depicted or are labeled as “Old Indian fields” likely indicating some moving from the area in conjunction with their French allies, or simply that they had seasonally moved.