An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European princes and states. The whole laid down according to the latest and most authentick improvements,
Bibliographic Citation
Bowen, Emanuel. 1763. An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European princes and states. The whole laid down according to the latest and most authentick improvements. Map. Library of Congress. https://lccn.loc.gov/74693869, accessed August 29, 2024.
• The map depicts North and Central America and includes detailed insets of the West Indies, depicting the islands as claimed by various European countries.
• The map delineates the lands claimed by the British, Spanish, and French crowns, reflecting the geopolitical shifts that occurred as France ceded much of its territory in North America to Britain and Spain.
• The British gains are prominently displayed, including Canada, Florida, and lands east of the Mississippi River, while Spanish possessions are shown to include Louisiana west of the Mississippi. The French territories are considerably reduced, with France retaining only a few Caribbean islands and fishing rights in Newfoundland.
• This map does depict many of the same towns as previous maps, but also uses broad labels to show territories of the Chahta, Chickasaw, Hvlbamo, Timucua, Muscogee (Creek) and other nations.